Dr. Zachary Ardern

I am an evolutionary biologist using microbial genome and gene expression data to answer fundamental evolutionary questions such as the mechanisms of the origin of new genes. I work as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge.

I have interdisciplinary interests in the philosophy of biology and the complex relationship between science and religion.

I warmly welcome opportunities to peer-review papers on microbial evolutionary genomics, de novo gene origins, experimental evolution, bacterial ribosome profiling or prokaryotic gene annotation. I am a reviewing editor for the Cambridge University Press open access journal “Experimental Results”.


The general theme of my papers is microbial evolution – within this there is a wide range, but my particular interest is in the molecular details of adaptation and the evolutionary origins of novelty. I also have interests in philosophical issues which I aim to continue to publish on on the side.

All of my papers (as I write this) are listed at Google Scholar. Many of the manuscripts are available in either pre-print or published form at ResearchGate.


My contact information can be found here.